
You can browse real estate terms here

Absentee Landlord

This term refers to a landlord that owns and rents out a property to earn profit and does not live on the property or in the local economic region.

Abstract of Title

  1. This is the summary that provides details of the title deeds and documents that prove the seller/owner's right to dispose of the property. It consists of the concise history of a particular title, the summary of the links, and activities that affect ownership of a property.
  2. A document that shows an overview of the history of a particular title. This includes transfers and claims against the property.
  3. A summary of or digest of the conveyances, transfer and any other facts relied on as evidence of title together with any other elements of record which may impair the title.


The adjoining of lands. Abutting properties have a shared boundary.

Accelerated depreciation

An accounting method that involves allowing an income property to depreciate at a faster rate compared to a straight-line method.

Acceleration clause

  1. A contract term that enables a mortgage company to require a borrower to repay the outstanding balance on the loan, if the latter fails to meet certain requirements.
  2. A clause in the contract that states an immediate payment demand to an outstanding balance because of a failure of payment.
  3. A clause in a trust deed or mortgage giving the lender the right to call all sums owing him to be immediately due and payable upon the happening of a certain event.


An agreement to the offer either expressly or by conduct.

  • When the seller or agent's principal agrees to the terms of the agreement of sales approves the negotiations on the part of the agent and acknowledges receipts of the deposit in
    subscribing to the agreement of sales that act is termed an acceptance.


  1. A method of acquiring property with additional value as a result of additions or improvements. For example, a person who owns a property near a river also owns the extra land created by natural deposits along the riverbank.
  2. The right of the owner to everything produced, incorporated or attached to a property.


  1. An act which the land bordering a stream or body of water increases gradually by deposit of soil due to current of river.
  2. An addition to land from natural causes as for example from gradual action of the ocean or river waters.

Accrued Depreciation

The reduction of property value through time. The common reason for diminished value is wear and tear.


A formal declaration before a duly authorized officer by a person who has executed an instrument that such execution is his act and deed.